Environmental & Pollution

Environmental Liability exposures are typically not covered on the standard Commercial General Liability (CGL) policy. Our wide range of specialty pollution coverage options can provide excellent protection in this dynamic area of commercial liability.

We examine the pollution exposures of our clients and the effect sweeping regulatory and legal changes have made on pollution insurance which has become a lot more affordable, bringing this important protection within the reach of most businesses.

Products include:
• Contractors pollution liability
• Environmental impairment liability
• Environmental contractor’s program
• Pollution event insurance
• Environmental consultants

Typically there are Two Categories of coverage available

Site-specific Coverage: These policies provide cleanup and third party liability coverage for premises owned or operated by the named insured:

• Environmental Cleanup and Liability Insurance for Premises
• Environmental Cleanup and Liability Insurance for Storage Tanks

Operations Coverage: These policies provide cleanup and third party liability coverage arising out of operations performed at third party job sites by or on behalf of the named insured:

• Pollution Liability Insurance for Contractors
• Environmental Package Insurance for Contractors and Consultants