Beauty, Spa & Wellness Professional Liability
Holman Insurance Brokers Ltd. specializes in Professional Liability and Errors & Omissions Insurance for Holistic Practitioners, Therapy practitioners, Complimentary Health professionals, Health Care professional and Fitness professionals including clinics, spas, schools and training establishments. We have been actively selling this product in Canada for many years and represent several leading insurance companies selling this product.
If you are an Association, please contact us about provide an customized exclusive program for your members.
If you are a current member of N.A.H.H.P. – National Association of Holistic Health Practitioners you will be entitled to special discounts. If you wish to join this association please click here to obtain their member benefits.
Insurance for Individual Therapists:
Please review our list of modalities / therapies (and definitions) that we are able to cover. Even if your modality / therapy is not listed, we still may be able to provide coverage for you.