Holman Insurance Brokers Ltd. specializes in Professional Liability and Errors & Omissions Insurance for regular home insurance won’t cover you if you’re working as an entrepreneur out of your home? If a client slips and falls while on your premises, if you get sued for an error or because you forgot something important, or even if you spill coffee on your laptop – not covered. Even if you did nothing wrong, legal fees alone can create financial havoc as a home-based business owner.
Our insurance coverage is a simple, affordable way to protect your home based business from the unexpected, so that you can focus on what’s important – getting things done. Buying Your Way Home Based Business insurance is quick and easy. Just answer a few questions about your business and you’ll get three customized package options with a breakdown of what’s included. Want to personalize your coverage even more? No problem! You can tailor your package by picking and choosing your coverages and limits.
From finance gurus to beauty pros, Your Way Home Based Business insurance is a great fit for lots of different home based businesses, including:
- Accountants
- Financial and Legal Experts
- Bookkeepers
- Artistic Entrepreneurs
- Hairdressers
- Graphic Artists and Designers
- Management Consultants (ex: business, food services, engineering)
- Repair Services (ex: cameras, computers, musical instruments)
- Beauty, Health, and Wellness Professionals
- Writers
- and many more
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