Mediators Professional Liability
Holman Insurance Brokers Ltd. specializes in Professional Liability and Errors & Omissions Insurance and has been a trusted Insurance advisor for over 40 years.
Professional Liability Insurance protects Mediators and Arbitrators from incidents arising from services rendered as a Mediator or Arbitrator. It protects you for liability arising from negligence while rendering or failure to render professional services or for damages resulting from negligent acts, errors or omissions in the conduct of professional services in Arbitration Proceedings, Dispute Resolution Services, Domestic Relations Disputes and/or Parenting Coordination.
Mediators need Professional Liability insurance to cover their services which could be any of the following:
- Family Mediation
- Parent Education
- Child Protection Mediation
- Parent Coordination
- Elder Mediation
- Community/Workplace mediation
- Family Law information
- Information and Referral Coordination
- Training
- Counseling
- Arbitration
- Coaching services
- Custody Evaluation
- Fact finding
- Parent Education
- Partnering Facilitation
- Related Legal Services
- Special Advocate Services
- Screening
Our policy
Provides coverage for Damages resulting from negligent acts, errors or omissions in the conduct of professional services in Mediating domestic relations disputes, Cost of defense even where the insured is found at fault, Prior acts coverage claims arising from acts, errors or omissions committed or alleged to have been committed prior to the inception date of the insurance and which are unknown at the time of the insurance application.
Special Coverage features:
Staff at no additional cost ( includes secretaries, clerks, etc.).
Volunteers can be included for coverage.
Prior Acts Coverage for claims arising from acts, errors or omissions committed or alleged to have been committed prior to the inception date of the policy.
Costs of Defence is provided the Insured even of alleged dishonest, fraudulent, criminal or intentionally wrongful acts or omissions.
Optional ” Add-on” Coverage is available for:
All types of mediation service (business, community, etc.)
Counsellors Professional Liability Insurance
Parent Coordination services
Training and supervising of mediators in training
Fact Finding services
Mandatory Information Program (MIP)
Information Referral Coordination (IRC)
Extended claims reporting period
Unauthorized Practice of Law
Related legal servcies
Ministry of the Attorney General specialized requests
Rates starting at $300 (including brokers fee) annually for $1,000,000 per claim / $1,000,000 annual aggregate Coverage is effected with certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s, London, England. Our specialty is Professional Liability Insurance for the Family Mediation however all type of mediation and arbitration and ADR is available.
To read an informative article on the liability faced by arbitrators and mediators, please click here!
If you are a member of any of the following you may apply for coverage by downloading our application or applying online:
- Family Dispute Resolution Institute of Ontario (FDRIO)
- Family Mediation Canada (FMC)
- Ontario Association of Family Mediators (OAFM)
- ADR, Mediate BC and Non-Association members in other provinces
Our practice is not just limited to Mediator Insurance. We also have programs for related services such as for Lawyers, Legal Consultants, Wellness and Life Coaching, Psychotherapists, Psychologists, Drug, Alcohol, Addiction and Abuse Counselors, Spiritual and Mental Health practitions (policies compliant with CRPO) to name a few.
Paul Holman (905) 886-5630 Ext 1246