Personal Trainer Professional Liability
We specializes in Professional Liability and Errors & Omissions Insurance for Personal Trainers, Instructers, leaders, coaches, therapy practitioners, Complimentary Health professionals, Health Care professionals and Fitness professionals.
We have over 40 years experience insuring professionals for Malpractice Insurance and offer quality affordable solutions at affordable prices from two of the most financially stable insurers in Canada.
We have 2 programs available for Person Trainers and Fitness instructors with 2 different applications.
Which application is Right for You?
Option 1)
Fitness instructor or Personal Trainer – Occurence Form
Option 2)
For Fitness Instructors who are also Complimentary Health Care providers and Therapists require insurance for other modalities and therapies on the same policy. This policy is written on a “Claims made form” . This self rating application includes Prior Acts if you provide a a copy of your expiring policy Declarations page otherwise retrodate is inception.
Option 1 – Personal Trainers and Fitness Instructors:
If you are a Personal Trainer and/or Fitness Instructor you can purchase the broadest and most affordable “Occurence Form ” coverage in Canada.Our comprehensive policy includes:
$2,000,000 General Liability including
Occurence Form – $1,000 Deduct
Professional Liability Included
Injury to Participants Included
Tenants Legal Liability $2,000,000 included
“Portable” coverage anywhere in Canada (ie in any studio, home, church, etc)
No exclusion for children except Aerial, Pole Fitness etc.
Apply for Coverage Option 1
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If you own or lease space, have employees or need content/equipment coverage, you must apply for Yoga Studio coverage – see tab above and complete application for coverage.
Option 2 – Personal Trainers and Fitness Instructors looking for a comprehensive policy to cover additional modalities for complimentary health therapies can apply for a “Claim Made Form” Professional Liability policy.
Our Exclusive Programs provides comprehensive coverage for both Professional and General Liability Insurance on one policy.
Policy features include the following:
Professional Negligence
General Liability to Third Parties
Libel & Slander
Infringement of Copyright
Unintentional Breach of Confidentiality
Unintentional failure to refer to Healthcare Service Provider $250,000
Sexual Harassment / Abuse $100,000
Products Liability $100,000 including Remedies
Loss of Documents $250,000
Rescuers & Good Samaritan coverage
Limits available up to $5,000,000 Per claim / $10,000,000 annual aggregate all claims
Coverage is exclusively available only through Holman Insurance Brokers Ltd. and is effected with certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s, London, England.
This insurance is ideal for individual members of Health Clubs, Individual Personal Trainers, Amateur Sports trainers, Dance instructors, Martial Arts instructors to name a few.
- Individual policies are effective as of the date of purchase and extend for 12 months
- Premium is fully retained upon acceptance of payment (i.e., the premium will not be refunded if the policy is cancelled by the insured prior to its expiry date)
- Coverage is available for instruction of professional athletes or carded amateur athletes (surcharge applies)
- activities for which you are not certified by one of our approved certifying bodies is not covered
- Coverage does not extend to work related rehabilitation of any condition unless you are qualified and hold valid qualification.
- Coverage is not extended to tanning beds
- In addition, you are required to confirm that;
- All trainees under your instruction complete a Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire once per year;
- All trainees under your instruction required to complete a PARmed-X have done so and ALL doctor’s recommendations are followed
- When biking, all trainees under your instruction wear helmets and, if biking between dusk and dawn, wear reflective clothing, have their bicycle equipped with lights and have the lights turned on.
If you are an Association, please contact us about providing an exclusive customized program for your members.
Apply for Coverage Option 2:
Download rates and application –>

Get a quote online — >

Please review our list of therapies on the application that we are able to cover. Even if your therapy is not listed, we still may be able to provide coverage for you.
For more information please contact one of following:
Mark Holman (905) 886-5630 Ext 1224 
Paul Holman (905) 886-5630 Ext 1246 
Program Disclosure
Coverage under this program is administered by Holman Insurance Brokers Ltd. We have engaged in a marketing process to offer a competitive product on a group basis with insurers but we have not acted as a broker for any individual customer. If for any reason, you, the customer are not satisfied, you may request a full refund within 14 days of purchase (provided you have not made a claim against the policy). Should your application not be accepted for whatever reason by the insurer, the information may be used by Holman to seek an alternative insurer if available.